Work 2018 | Revival 2020
25 minutes
A veritable physical and technical performance, Jann Gallois upends the senses and solicits five Japanese B-boys to not take their head off the ground. How can one find meaning in a topsy-turvy world like the one today, where we seem to be walking more and more on our heads?
Jann Gallois develops a choreographic language from different hip hop figures that she trained in, such as the Reverse, the Head Spin, and the Chair Freeze. From these figures, there is a whole range and variation of movements with the head constantly on the floor. Choreographed to the smallest detail, Reverse evokes the man-machine caught in the cogs of a complex and ordered system and evolves finally to leave space for a circular composition that softens the angles and progressively allows a collective osmosis to emerge. The creative process born out of constraint is a habit within the choreographer’s work.
Choreography, costumes and set design Jann Gallois
Performers Mickael Alberi, Romain Boutet, Hugo De Vathaire, Geoffroy Durochat, Razy Essid
Sound design Christophe Zurfluh
Light design Cyril Mulon
Costumes manufacturing Hitomi Tsuchida, Claude Murgia
Production 2020 Cie BurnOut
Coproduction 2020 Le Carré, Scène Nationale de Château-Gontier
Residency Pôle en Scènes / Centre chorégraphik Pôle Pik
Production 2018 Centre Chorégraphique National de la Rochelle
Coproduction 2018 Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2018 (Japon) • Centre Chorégraphique National de La Rochelle / Cie Accrorap (France) • Biennale de la danse de Lyon, Pôle européen de création – Ministère de la Culture / Maison de la Danse aide pour la Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2018 • Chaillot – Théâtre National de la Danse • La Coursive, Scène Nationale de La Rochelle • La Rampe – La Pontanière, Scène conventionnée – Échirolles
Jann Gallois | Cie Burnout is supported by DRAC Île-de-France – French Ministry of Culture, by the Region Île-de-France, and by the BNP PARIBAS Fondation as well.
> Download the presentation file
> Download the technical rider
This piece is no longer touring… sorry !
2 February 2023Scène Nationale 61Alençon
1 February 2023Les Quinconces – L’Espal, Scène NationaleLe Mans
31 January 2023Les Quinconces – L’Espal, Scène NationaleLe Mans
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23 April 2022Espace culturel EoleCraponne
11 March 2022Festival le Grand BainLille
15 February 2022Chaillot – Théâtre National de la DanseParisReprésentation scolaire
29 January 2022Le Champ de FoireSaint-André-de-Cubzac
17 November 2021Théâtre Paul Eluard, scène conventionée danseBezons
14 November 2021Festival 99Tournefeuille
8 April 2021Théâtre Paul Eluard, scène conventionée danseBezons
23 March 2021Maison FoliesLille
25 January 2021Festival Suresnes Cités DanseSuresnes
24 January 2021Festival Suresnes Cités DanseSuresnes
23 January 2021Festival Suresnes Cités DanseSuresnes
3 November 2020Le Carré, Scène NationaleChâteau-Gontier
5 October 2020Festival KaravelBron
14 November 2018Scène Nationale d’AlbiAlbi
13 November 2018Scène Nationale d’AlbiAlbi
9 November 2018La Coursive, Scène NationaleLa Rochelle
8 November 2018La Coursive, Scène NationaleLa Rochelle
7 November 2018La Coursive, Scène NationaleLa Rochelle
3 November 2018L’EquilibreFribourg
2 November 2018L’EquilibreFribourg
31 October 2018Théâtre Le RefletVevey
24 October 2018Le Pin GalantMérignac
23 October 2018Le Pin GalantMérignac
20 October 2018Le Quartz, Scène NationaleBrest
19 October 2018Le Quartz, Scène NationaleBrest
16 October 2018Opéra de RouenRouen
13 October 2018Maison de la MusiqueNanterre
12 October 2018Maison de la MusiqueNanterre
9 October 2018La Comédie, CDNSaint-Etienne
5 October 2018La RampeEchirolles
4 October 2018La RampeEchirolles
2 October 2018Malraux, Scène NationaleChambéry
1 October 2018Malraux, Scène NationaleChambéry
28 September 2018Biennale de la DanseLyon
27 September 2018Biennale de la DanseLyon
26 September 2018Biennale de la DanseLyon
25 September 2018Biennale de la DanseLyon
21 September 2018Chaillot – Théâtre National de la DanseParis
20 September 2018Chaillot – Théâtre National de la DanseParis
19 September 2018Chaillot – Théâtre National de la DanseParis
18 September 2018Chaillot – Théâtre National de la DanseParis
5 September 2018Dance Dance Dance FestivalYokohama
4 September 2018Dance Dance Dance FestivalYokohama
3 September 2018Dance Dance Dance FestivalYokohama
2 September 2018Dance Dance Dance FestivalYokohama